Not sure I belong...

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Re: Not sure I belong...

Post by nexusmaximus »

The Burgman 650 is an excellent piece of kit, well worth a test, and if you've only ridden bikes will probably feel right at home on.
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Re: Not sure I belong...

Post by soapywalrus »

Cheers all.

So far only managed to blag test rides on the Silverwings, but I intend to try out at least one of each other potential buy more before I make any decisions. I spent a good couple of hours on the Silverwing and agree with what was said above, the strangest sensation is the scoot's axis of rotation beign somewhere under your arse and behind your knees, rather than just in front of your spuds. I was genuinely surprised by its ability though, and think it would be very hard to tire of squirting away from the lights on it!!

Other considerations (if this makes any difference to anybody's thoughts) - I hear that the TMax is somewhat hard to access come servicing time, so bills can be higher. I also hear mumurs that the Burgman 400 can be a bit fragile (particularly oil starving the top end). Anything I buy will be used 5 days a week to commute over about 15 miles each way, combination of A roads, motorways and city streets so will gather the miles fairly quickly. Service intervals are also a consideration. It will basically be treated like a car, so reliability etc are paramount.

Really appreciate all the feedback, cheers Muppets!

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Re: Not sure I belong...

Post by Waldorf »

You could do worse than drop in to the 'make-specific' forums as a guest and see what's what.
Inevitably, owners will sing the praises of their particular maxi but you will get an idea of what the problems are and what mods one can do, too.

I suggest silverwing600 for getting an overall picture of the Silverwing - quite a few Muppets are members there:
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Re: Not sure I belong...

Post by mightbesane »

I've heard about oil problems with the Burgman 400 here and there as well, so I've been watching mine carefully. (Keep in mind that it's a 2004 with 12,500 miles on the clock when I bought it for the equivalent of about 1,300 GBP 8 months ago.) After about 5,000 miles, I've done one oil change (at 3,000) and had to top up in between with the equivalent of about .5L.

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Re: Not sure I belong...

Post by Bluebottle »

The Burgman 400 engine changed in 2007

It is the earlier one (K6 model and earlier) that tends to use oil at high speeds,
K7 onwards doesn't have the same tendency, has more power and various other improvements
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