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Jelly bottom Pannier bum

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 7:17 am
by Garyc1
Hi all,
Before I start waxing lyrical I have a question, has anyone put soft panniers on a 2018 Forza 300 and if so (I`m guessing there are a few out there with my mentality) what did you use and do they do them in pink?
OK so the real work; Got back from a wild canoe trek in Sweden a couple of weeks back and, although it was tremendous and exciting I couldn’t wait to get back on the horza…….If any of you have done this sort of camping before you`ll be aware of the wild cloakroom techniques ie. 2 spades wide 2spades deep and dump whilst precariously balancing over a pit of doom, a sometimes twice daily activity. Your also probably aware that the forests in Sweden are home to several species of wild animals, Bear, Moose, Beaver and last and by far the most dangerous Mosquitoes! Ablution activities usually correspond to the feeding times of the afore mentioned mozzies and so failure to spray a highly toxic mix of skeet and lavender cologne around ones body egress equipment results in a fan base not unlike the Beatle first trip to the states.
Its an awful choice, swollen equipment, or dayglow luggage sack!
Well the skeet run out damn quick, and I`m not as fast as I used to be, the result beside the odd messy fumble was a very uncomfortable plane ride home, the chap in the adjacent seat looking decidedly as if a later flight would have been advisable.
However here’s the nub of the story, I thought I`d have to wait for natural shape and service to be resumed before mounting my beloved Forza……..but NO! Honda in their infinite design must have envisaged this situation, cos sitting on that baby was like sitting in warm Jelly, mmmmmmmmmmmm . Next trip I may considering WC equipment left over from the space race!
If you ever fancy a bit of outward bound excitement I highly recommend these excursions, hopefully next year I`ll take the scoot and do a tour, the roads are empty and they have no translation for “pot hole”

Re: Jelly bottom Pannier bum

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 10:07 am
by Garyc1
Sorry Guys I waffle so much I forget the real reason for posting, um has anyone found a set of panniers that will work on a Forza 300 2018.
much appreciate any info.

Re: Jelly bottom Pannier bum

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 2:10 pm
by Garyc1
Hi Meldrew, just the responce I wanted. I was asked by my female pillion, "will I be comfortable ? I guess the straps are going to affect comfort to my map reader, do you think strapping can be put under the seat closure?
I suppose the other thing is, I`ve never slung anything over a bike before, so a bit worried about shapeing for the rear lights and damage to the cosmetics ( they will probably outlast me anyway) pologies for smelling but found a bottle of Merlot!

Re: Jelly bottom Pannier bum

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2019 2:54 pm
by Garyc1
ok the Merlot has taken over, but I see you made the point that the straps pass under the seat. so that's going to work! I guess the other unsung point is, your touring, we had thought to tour using air b&b and bed and breakfast houses, but you know when the boss says she is going for minimalism it sometimes equates to something short of the kitchen sink, joking but changes in clothing for that one special evening tends to need catering for, the Forza has given us both a super reason to get out there, I love what the bike has given us and love that my annoyance may be construed as a negative, in reality, I`m just enjoying those opportunities I wished for 40 years ago.

Re: Jelly bottom Pannier bum

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2019 9:03 am
by Capt. R Swipe
Glad to hear you touring on the Forza Meldrew. I'm sure that it makes a fine touring bike.