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New Year, Same Arseholes

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 6:33 am
by MrGrumpy
Sorry folks, Rant time!

FFS! It hasn't been a great festive period, with increasing problems in Essex and having spent a decent chunk of New Year's Eve on a totally pointless visit to A&E!

Anyway, today, its a nice sunny day here, so its time to take one of the Tmaxs out for the first time in a couple of weeks. So I trundle out - there's been a helluva lot of rain here so there were plenty of puddles. Out in the sticks I came across a pair of really BIG puddles, so I slowed to a crawl and cautiously went through. However, a tw@t in a 4WD coming the other way just ploughed through at full speed totally soaking me! The Tmax looked like it had been hosed down, and my Jacket and denim jeans were soaked! I was livid!! Just as well I was so taken aback I didn't think to go after him and punch his lights out! When I saw him coming, I even thought about moving right onto his side of the road to block him, but I thought 'No-one would be that stupid/nasty' - but they were! No, I didn't get his Reg No.

Great start to 2024 eh? Anyway apart from that, it was great to be out on the Tmax again!

Rant over - I'll take a valium or something....

Re: New Year, Same Arseholes

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2024 10:47 am
by Funkycowie
That is one of the many reasons I never ride without a camera. I have had the same done to me along time ago and I was on the way to work, luckily during that time I had work gear to change into and the company had a washing machine and tumble drier otherwise I would have had to work soaked through or go home only to risk it happening again on my way back in.

Re: New Year, Same Arseholes

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2024 3:16 am
by Greyerbeard
Ditto re camera - after someone actively tried to kill me in Oct 22, I bought a helmet-mounted Techalogic and always wear it.
The funny thing is...just how much it changes the behaviour of motorists around you - I NEVER get tailgated now, and people just seem to...behave! Admittedly I don't ride in London or any big city where things might be different, but it's definitely been very noticeable.
And you could have forwarded the clip of that cretin to the police...

Re: New Year, Same Arseholes

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2024 4:40 am
by Data
Sorry to hear that Grumpy. Not quite the same thing but close...this morning I was out for my 3 mile power walk only to be soaked by not one but two total arses driving their cars rapidly through a very large puddle caused by a blocked drain. The puddle ran for about 10 yrs alongside the pavement. Like you I thought no one is going to be such a dick as to drive through that puddle & soak me! So I tried to time my travel past the puddle with minimal traffic coming by. Just didn't work.

Now unlike your situation it is in fact a criminal offence to soak a pedestrian in that way. Unfortunately although I snapped them on my phone I didn't get a readable reg number because a closely following second SUV soaked me within a second or two as I was continuing to walk & photo shoot! Damn people.

Re: New Year, Same Arseholes

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2024 7:46 am
by MrGrumpy
I'm always wary of having a camera - it'd probably show more bad riding from me than other road users!
Yes, splashing a pedestrian is an offence....SUV drivers obviously don't even see pedestrians or consider them as not worthy of any attention - just little people! If a policeman had witnessed me being soaked on the scoot, I guess he could have dreamed up an offence - possibly driving without due care and attention, though that might be OTT.

Re: New Year, Same Arseholes

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2024 11:37 am
by Data
Grumpy, just spoken to my nephew about your encountered situation (he's traffic police). He says they most certainly will stop any driver (if seen) behaving in that manner. They could potentially be charged with dangerous driving or careless driving. Or as you mention, driving without due care & attention. It can lead to 3 points on their licence & a fine & you can sue them for damages if necessary. In reality if no real harm has been done it's a caution, which in itself can lead to future consequences. Interesting I thought.

Re: New Year, Same Arseholes

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2024 1:47 am
by Funkycowie
MrGrumpy wrote: Tue Jan 02, 2024 7:46 am I'm always wary of having a camera - it'd probably show more bad riding from me than other road users!
Yes, splashing a pedestrian is an offence....SUV drivers obviously don't even see pedestrians or consider them as not worthy of any attention - just little people! If a policeman had witnessed me being soaked on the scoot, I guess he could have dreamed up an offence - possibly driving without due care and attention, though that might be OTT.
I have sent in footage on several occasions where I have spotted drivers missbehaving, you only have to include extra footage either side if you are involved. all but one of the drivers have had a word from the police or its gone further, due to data protection you are not allowed to know the outcome unless it goes to court but the police do tell you if they are taking it further at a minimum.

Re: New Year, Same Arseholes

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2024 2:51 am
by Greyerbeard
MrGrumpy wrote: Tue Jan 02, 2024 7:46 am I'm always wary of having a camera - it'd probably show more bad riding from me than other road users!
Well there is that...! But yes, actually, it probably has also had the effect of making me better behaved, too :P

Re: New Year, Same Arseholes

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2024 3:20 am
by scootabout
Hmmm, I'm still dubious about cameras. It's one thing to report dangerous driving, but what about speeding, especially with what I call 'political' speed limits. There are several places around my area that were 60, but have been marked down to 50, 40 or even 30 for no obvious reason. If it's because of expanding housing, I understand and usually comply. However, some are just marked down because SPEED KILLS. I was on a bit yesterday and no one was slowing down or even aware that the limit was so low. It only takes someone to report people and a lot of clean licences will be blemished (is that a word?). It's bad enough with all the cameras, without the feeling that Big Brother is watching you every time you safely make progress.

Rant over. That feels better :-)

Re: New Year, Same Arseholes

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2024 6:40 am
by mottza
I have my gopro on most of the time on my ADV350. The car has front and rear cameras as well as my teenage sons car.

This has paid back already in an collision that was not my fault and the camera footage was instrumental.