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TestMaxi-Muppets was set up in the Summer of 2005 by Hughie, JohnP and Ginger Phil as they were all fed up with other scooter forums. What the maxi scene needed was a light hearted forum where adults could be adults, that's not to say that anything goes but we're a good humored bunch who enjoy a laugh and some general piss-taking. It's not all jokes, there's quite a few knowledgeable members who'll help you out in your hour of need.

There's many local & national meets, check out the Meets & Rideouts section of the forum to see if there's one happening near you - if not feel free to start your own topic and try and get some interest. Browse the Meets/Ride-Outs Photos & Videos section to see pics from past meets.

So that's a little intro about Maxi-Muppets. Please take a minute of your time to register on the forum and join in the fun. Once registered you'll be able to access 20+ more sections. Make sure you introduce yourself!

- GingerPhil