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Re: Puncturesafe

Post by Pandrop »

Data wrote: Sun Aug 30, 2020 6:25 am Yeah, but sorry to go on about it so much. It's just a really good product and there is a lot of misinformation about it which understandably prevents folks from benefiting from it. I even put it on my cornflakes, but it tastes horrible! :lol:
But does your breakfast bowl leak Data? :lol:

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Re: Puncturesafe

Post by Data »

Yeah, for some reason I'm having a hell of a job having a leak in the mornings after breakfast! :lol:
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Re: Puncturesafe

Post by Data »

Ok, so here's something interesting, relevant and that really happened to me yesterday while doing 60mph on the A12 coming back from Chelmsford.

Had a hard day and had already covered around 200 miles of errands on the GTS300. Cruising back home on the A12, left lane, 60mph, long que of traffic in both lanes but the right lane doing 70mph. Traffic tightly packed, you get the picture. I'm following a four by four with a low loader type of trailer thing behind. Suddenly, a 8'X4' plywood panel lifts off the back of the trailer and lands directly in front of me. It stopped dead centre of my lane. I'm 2 seconds behind the guy in front but the idiot behind me is probably less than a second. I couldn't brake, I couldn't pull out into the right lane either. Danger of being killed! And in effect the panel had reduced my 2 second gap to less than one second. I had to go over the bloody plywood panel! (apologies for saying "bloody". Oh sod said it again!)

The panel unfortunately had nails sticking up all around it. It kinda looked like they were 2.5mm shanks and 1.5" or so was sticking out. I could actually see them that well! It was happening almost in slow motion, but perfect for me to run over...which I did! Bugger was my initial thought. The cars behind also ran over the panel. At least two cars did.

I kept going as I couldn't stop to check things out. The bike itself took the ride over the panel perfectly. Hardly noticed it. But I knew my tyres had been punctured. Knowing there was a lay-by not far ahead I planned to stop to make some checks. Which I did. Only to find that I was followed into the lay-by by two cars with a flat on the front and back of each car. They had slowed quite a bit as both drivers detected they were losing air from tyres. the sod who caused this bloody catastrophe (there's that word again) didn't stop and was probably unaware of what he had caused. I didn't get his number plate and alas my battery was exhausted on my Gopro so didn't get any film either.

The upshot of all this is that my tyres both showed a blue puncture sign where the nails had penetrated the tyres. Both tyres had instantly sealed! Thank goodness! Unfortunately, both the cars that had followed me into the lay-by had to call emergency services to bail them out. They understandably were not impressed. Both of the drivers could not understand how I had not come off my bike due to sudden deflation of both tyres. After explaining that I used Puncturesafe that instantly sealed in circumstances like that, both vowed to have it installed in their cars. Yeah...right!

So that means my rear wheel has had 4 punctures sealed by Puncturesafe, and the front 2 or 3. Can't remember exactly how many in the front. Unlike mushroom vulcanised plugs where there is a limit of two punctures per tyre before needing to replace, there is no limit with puncturesafe. Once sealed it won't leak again from the same place. So, I urge anyone who is having doubts about this stuff to put that aside and just use the bloody stuff (sorry, that word again!). It's saved my bacon so many times.

Speaking of bacon, wife and me are just about to have a bacon, egg, beans and sausage supper! Cooked by me of course! Take care everyone. ;)
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Re: Puncturesafe

Post by smeghead »

Wow, that’s a result! I’m really glad I bother to pop some in the GTS now. Glad you’re ok, could have been much worse but for the Puncturesafe.

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Re: Puncturesafe

Post by MrGrumpy »

Oh well, did what it said on the tin! So why did it fail for me, more than once? God must hate me......

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Re: Puncturesafe

Post by Data »

Hi Grumpy, yeah...God did actually say he didn't like you much!! Lol.... :o

I'm guessing it failed for you for several reasons. You were static (parked) when you withdrew the offending item from the tyre. It would be awkward doing it on the move lol...so unless you follow the instructions for nail or screw removal whilst stationary, it sometimes won't seal, especially if it's a big hole. Most small ones just seal straight away without doing anything whether you are stationary or moving. But if it's a big hole or it's a screw, then follow the instructions and it will seal virtually everytime. I've not yet had it fail me in the last 25 years. I have had a tyre that it couldn't permanently fix though on the Burgman as the hole was just way too big and the tyre bands were damaged. But it did it's job and saved me from coming off, allowing me to ride the 60 odd miles home without incident.

If you get a puncture whilst on the move and the offending item goes in and then more or less straight out of the tyre, it will in my experience always seal. The reason for that is that the Puncturesafe is thrown with gusto into the hole, and lots of it. This aids the natural process of the air and puncturesafe making it's own way into the hole under pressure. The added centrifugal force seems to carry more fibres of the puncturesafe into the hole. It seals it very quickly. The action of riding and stressing the tyre around the area where the puncture is does make the job of sealing the hole easier according to the instructions. Sealing the puncture while stationary is much harder so that's why it's important to read and follow the instruction to make sure it seals. Make sure, before removing the offending item from the tyre to have something heavy such as a big spanner or anything which is a bit on the heavy side so that you can hit/tap the tyre around the puncture site immediately after withdrawing the nail or screw. This knocks the fibres of the puncturesafe off the inside of the tyre wall and into the puncture. Otherwise you are in danger of just getting the fluid without quite so much of the fibres in it. And that won't seal as effectively. Do these things and it usually seals it straight away. There is also a technique required to remove a screw that must be adhered to. Do all that and you are unlikely to be left by the roadside with a flat.

The other thing you can do Grumpy is go to church and ask forgiveness and see if the man upstairs likes you a bit more.... :lol: (only joking right!)
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Re: Puncturesafe

Post by smeghead »



Just returned from a nice ride out, popped the scooter in the garage after a quick wipe down. I retuned to pop the cover on and noticed this, not a happy chap. Anyhoo, as I’d popped Punctursafe into the tyres I thought I’d test it! I spun the wheel a couple of times then screwed the offending article out, there was a slight his for less than a second and that was it. I can’t even see the sealed hole, the tyre seems fully inflated too. I’ll check in the morning to be sure. I’m hoping it’s saved me the cost of a new tyre and all the associated faffing.

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Re: Puncturesafe

Post by Data »

Yeah, this is good news smeghead. It just shows everyone it works. I noticed you had posted on Modern Vespa about it too. It's the same experience that I've had over and over again during the last 25years or so. Never had a failure. Excellent! Thanks for starting this interesting thread. ;)

I'm kinda hoping that more of the folks on here will consider using puncturesafe. It's a fantastic safety aid and stops you being stranded by the roadside. Your tyre will never leak again from the same place either. It's permanent and there's no speed restriction on that tyre either like you get if you have a vulcanised mushroom plug professionally fitted (because those are inferior). Good on yer!
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Re: Puncturesafe

Post by smeghead »

I’ve checked the pressure and all is well. Not been out on it since though, rain and homebrewing got in the way!

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Re: Puncturesafe

Post by Data »

Excuse me! Did you say home brewing? What's ya address?? :lol: :o ;)
Probably not ugly enough for the 'Ugly Bunch'! :lol:

Been riding for 54 years & owned too many bikes to list here...

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