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Ride of Honour Squires Cafe to Elvington Air Museum

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 10:09 pm
by Gerard C
Just a quick report on the above mainly because it was so good!

At the last minute I found out about this event and decided to attend. So dragging along the Boy Wonder and Gloria we set off for Squires on a brilliant sunny Sunday Morning. I have to say it was an exceptional riding day, pleasant temperature and almost no wind.
Richard lead the way to Squires via Fairburn Ings - a local water based nature reserve looking well in the sunshine. Loads of Water based birds which I assume were Ducks - what the hell do I know about Birds except some taste great. I especially like them crispy with pancakes and plum sauce.

Passing through Sherbourne we received friendly waves from bikers coming the other way which turned out to be about the presence of a speed check Van just outside the town. Big rally to remember the Soldiers who have fought and died for us and the Police want us to remember it with a endorsement for three years. I'm not condoning speeding through built up areas in any circumstances but maybe somewhere else on occasions. It really was on the edge of town where the tendency is perhaps to be accelerating as you leave or slowing down as you enter.

Anyway moving on - Arriving at Squires with a lot of Bikes already there and looking impressive. Quite a lot of Trikes flying flags. They are not to my taste but they do look impressive.

What also wasn't to my taste was the Union Jack Onesey being worn by Mark our mechanic of choice! Has the Man no shame? Apparently not as he says he lets us bring our Scooters to him.

At 11 the procession set off for Elvington. The route was exceptionally good taking in a fair number of twisty sections and through villages where as always people from the very young to older were out waving. The kids seem to love watching the Bikes go by. Maybe it was the Sunshine but everybody seemed to be in a very good mood. Cars waited and gave way etc. It was just a very pleasant ride out.

For Gloria and Richards first experience of such a big gathering I don't think it could have been better. Impressive to join in with and not so big that it turned tediously slow.

The treat for me was the little Gem waiting at the end of the ride. I have never been to Elvington so had no idea what to expect. What I found was a little beauty of an Aircraft museum. Most of the Aircraft are outside so maybe a little weathered but very interesting non the less. Graphic boards are in place explaining a little about each Aircraft. There was a Band playing Forties tunes to a very high standard as we arrived and that added a lot to the atmosphere. Certainly not as big or elaborate as Duxford but it is a place I will certainly go back to as its open all year. I think it may be a contender for next years Muppets Rally. Not expensive to get into. Camping nearby and of course its very close to York which is always worth a visit.

We were there about a couple of hours before leaving early to get back for Baby Sitters.

Interestingly we were the only Maxis on the ride. Just as we were setting off we saw a Silver Grey, (Surprise), Burgman 650 arrive but had no chance to make contact so if you were a Muppet - Hello!

The Maxi Scooters were a point of interest for a lot of riders and at least four other Bikers actually made contact expressing interest in the Bikes typically asking about their comfort as cruisers, performance and economy. I have arranged for a couple to come along to try out my spare 650 so we might be getting some recruits.

All in all a day out for a good cause that turned out to be much better than expected.

Re: Ride of Honour Squires Cafe to Elvington Air Museum

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 1:36 pm
by PJT
Excellent write up. Seems like you all had a great day out.