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Rain Suit

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 2:03 am
by Aaron
I'm after a Rain suit, for those wet wet days of riding. I have waterproof gear, but after a rainsuit for the days I ride to work and its pissing down.

Has anyone had any personal experiance with any particular brands that seem to work better than others ?

Are the fleaBay ones as good as RST brand, ect ?

I am in Australia, and can get DriRider and RST brands quite easily, and almost any brand on fleaBay

Any recommendations very welcome


Re: Rain Suit

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 4:41 am
by rtfm
My 2 cents - Anything that says it's breathable isn't waterproof!

Nothing worse that going to work in a suit and finding by a stroke of luck the only area that got wet is the crotch area.

Re: Rain Suit

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 4:48 am
by rayb
rtfm wrote:My 2 cents - Anything that says it's breathable isn't waterproof!

Nothing worse that going to work in a suit and finding by a stroke of luck the only area that got wet is the crotch area.
and that's where it will get wet first.

Re: Rain Suit

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 5:36 am
by MrGrumpy
I suspect it may depend on how long you your journey is whether something breathable is a necessity or not. On a relatively short commute, it may not matter. Also depends on how warm it is! I've heard bad things about Goretex gear, but as its expensive I've never bothered trying it, and relied on good old-fashioned cheap rain plastic rain gear when needed ( I normally have a waterproof jacket on anyway).
I have an RST overjacket in a violent yellow colour which seems very waterproof and adds warmth, and folds up small enough to leave in the topbox until wanted. I always carry a cheap pair of over trousers with me...just in case - though I always think, maybe it'll stop raining in a minute so I usually get wet!

Re: Rain Suit

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 6:52 am
by rayb
I have a pair of Aldi waterproof trousers, which are pretty waterproof but it's all but impossible to do the ankle zips up without jamming them. No matter how careful. So, I've started wearing my Helly Hansen sailing one-piece and it's warm, comfortable and relatively easy to get on.

Re: Rain Suit

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 6:59 am
by Aaron
Thanks for your replies

I am after a 1 piece suit. I didn't realise there were breathable or non-breathable rain suits, so something to think about.

At this stage it just for short commutes.


Re: Rain Suit

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 7:13 am
by SH125Paul
My advice from years of commuting - I would go 2 piece... Jacket and Trousers
Had a couple of 1 piece suits, a pain in the arse putting on, especially at the road side...
And water would pool up in the lap and get through the zip... Seperate trousers dont have the zip...
Plus all the top jacket part flapping about when trying to put the trousers on...
I've had the Spada 911 / 912 combo for 10 years or so - similar designs from other manufacturers...
A great tip is to use a carrier bag over ya boot (or more recently i have swiped some of those blue plastic overshoe things from the swimming pool) help the foot slide down the trouser leg, without the sole of ya boot sticking or snagging on the rubbery inside of the trousers...
Plus you dont get dirt on the inside of the overtrousers, that would then get on your trousers...
Plus when its dry and just cold, the trousers help keep the wind off, top half is usually warm enough

Re: Rain Suit

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 8:11 am
by andy(b)
I would go 2 piece as well, i'm using a ex army but new when i got it MTP Lightweight gortex jacket and trousers as i use these for over my bike gear (these trousers have zips from bottom of the leg to hip so easy on and off) no pee zip, so no water ingress there, just pull cord at the waist, with velcro adjuster at ankle. never got wet yet and i have ridden in some heavy rain.......

Re: Rain Suit

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2018 9:07 am
by Funkycowie
The only leaks I have had from any waterproofs is via the seams any where from 1 year to 2 years of ownership. This has happened on expensive or cheap ones so now I only ever buy the cheap ones.

Re: Rain Suit

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2018 2:54 am
by Aaron
Thanks for all your suggestions.

Off topic ---- I saw one of your comedians, Jimmy Carr a couple of days ago in Geelong, Australia. Was a great show.